Tip #1: Irrigation Schedule Changes
As autumn rolls in cooler temperatures and shorter days, your outdoor irrigation schedule will need a little tweaking.
The ideal autumn irrigation schedule…
- utilizes a rain shut off device to reduce unnecessary watering
- irrigates 3 days a week,10-15 minute intervals
- only runs at night (starting at 3-4AM) to minimize evaporation
- never irrigates if the soil is wet
Did you know? Landscape irrigation accounts for 22% of water consumption on commercial properties, and up to 40% on multifamily properties.
Tip #2: Harvest Rainwater
The advantages of harvesting rainwater include:
- Reducing water bills
- Easy to maintain; basic technology
- Can be used without purification in lieu of drinking water for a number of purposes (flushing toilets, washing vehicles, watering landscape, etc…)
- Reduces soil erosion and flooding caused by run-off
Tip #3: Leave the leaves for a healthier lawn
Rather than bagging and dumping your leaves this year, consider recycling them using one of the following methods:
- Natural process: This method takes time but as a result, your lawn will benefit for years to come. When the leaves are transformed by worms, bacteria, and other soil organisms, nutrients are released into the soil that feed trees, shrubs, and other plants. Natural process promotes healthy plant growth, and saves money normally spent on ineffective fertilizers.
- Mulching: Nearly all new lawnmowers have a standard mulch option that allows you to chop up grass/leaves in a process commonly know as “mulching”. Mulching allows you to evenly spread leaves and grass as you mow, quickly turning a sea of leaves into a thin lair of easily composted pieces. For best results, run your lawnmower at a standard three-inch height and go slowly. You’ll want to give the blades plenty of time to shred up the leaves.
- Other uses: Shredded leaves can be used as mulch for an extra kick of nutrients in your plant/tree beds. Utilizing leaf mulch also maintains a uniform soil temperature, and prevents frost upheaval caused by thawing and freezing.
Did you know? Recycling leaves on your lawn will also keep them out of storm drains and away from surface waters where they encourage algae blooms and negatively effect clean water sources.
For more water saving tips, click here or follow us on social media for the latest in water news, tips, and fun facts.
WaterSignal is a green technology company focused on water conservation. WaterSignal measures water flow in real-time to detect leaks and monitor domestic meters, irrigation systems, and cooling towers for commercial, multifamily, medical and educational properties. WaterSignal is located in Alpharetta, GA, and currently has operations in 18 states.