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holiday-savings-picThe holiday season is almost here, which to us at WaterSignal means even more opportunities to conserve water! As you gear up for the holidays, save water and money with these ten water saving tips:

1.) Buy recycled paper products: Products made from 100 percent recycled paper require much less water in their manufacturing than those made from virgin paper.

2.) Inspect bathroom fixtures before family and friends arrive. During the holidays, your bathrooms are likely to experience heavier than normal usage and, in turn, are more prone to issues. A faulty toilet flapper can waste as much as 200 gallons per hour!

3.) Cook food in as little water as possible. This will also help preserve the food’s nutrients.

4.) When washing your hands, turn the water off while you lather.

5.) When planning your holiday meal, consider swapping a meat dish with a vegetarian one. It takes almost eighteen-hundred gallons of water to produce a single pound of beef.

Did you know? If you were to skip meat one day a week, you’d conserve 65,000 gallons of water in a year.

6.) Don’t use water to thaw food. The safest and most water efficient way is to defrost food in the refrigerator.

7.) Have an Energy Star approved dishwasher? Save water by running a full dishwasher rather than hand washing. Don’t have an efficient dishwasher? Wash dishes in a partially filled sink and then rinse them using the spray attachment on your tap.

8.) Leftover melted ice? Water your indoor plants with the excess water.

9.) Instead of letting the faucet run to rinse vegetables, rinse them in a pan of clean water instead.

10.) For added assurance, consider utilizing WaterSignal’s breakthrough water monitoring technology. If a leak or anomaly occurs, the device immediately lets you know that a water spike above the preset limit has taken place. The alert can be sent via SMS text message and email for quick analysis, and alert hours are fully customizable.

WaterSignal is a green technology company focused on water conservation. WaterSignal measures water flow in real time to detect leaks and monitor domestic meters, irrigation systems, and cooling towers for residential, commercial, multifamily, senior living, medical, schools and colleges. WaterSignal is located in Alpharetta, GA, and currently has operations in 23 states.