On May 21st, 2018, WaterSignal installed a device to monitor the domestic water meter for a middle school in Austin, Texas.
This Texas middle school works to prepare students to become successful and productive community members, lifelong learners and creative problem solvers.
To make up for limited maintenance personnel over the summer break, WaterSignal worked with facility managers to set alert levels in the event of a leak or malfunction.
On July 31st, 2018, WaterSignal alerted facility managers to rapidly climbing usage on the main domestic.
When the WaterSignal device detected consumption exceeding the hourly preset limit, property management was instantly notified via SMS text and email.
Upon receiving the alert, a plumber was called to inspect the property for issues. The source of the excess usage was discovered to be a toilet valve
WaterSignal provided facility managers with real time water monitoring, allowing them to see the complete picture of gallons used. Through the
use of custom alert levels, facility managers were able to quickly respond to the issue.
Had the valve leak gone undetected, the school would have continued to waste over 250,000 gallons per week.
After the installation of WaterSignal’s real time water monitoring, the following
findings were evident:
Real time water monitoring provided instant access to hourly data trends
WaterSignal’s team promptly discovered the issue and alerted property management
A toilet valve leak was discovered and repaired
Water savings of $3,740/week (Water rate of $14.96/1000 gals.)