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With water rates rising in nearly every city (almost $30/1000 gals in Atlanta, GA), underground leaks, irrigation leaks, and catastrophic pipe bursts are draining budgets all across the country.


Every year in the US, undetected leaks cost property owners millions of gallons of water; translating to millions more in related costs. According to The American Society of Civil Engineers’ 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, there are an estimated 240,000 water main breaks per year in the United States.

In too many cases, property managers simply look at a monthly water bill, compare the cost to the previous month’s, accept the cost and pay it without question. What they don’t realize is that underground leaks, inefficient fixtures and bad landscaping practices consume more water than necessary; it doesn’t have to be that way

For the first time, immediate detection of water spikes related to leaks can be communicated to a manager for quick action, saving property owners thousands of dollars. Using real time water data, the WaterSignal system creates statistical charts to provide a comparative view of gallons used. Managers can then easily compare usage from one building to another, as well as compare data to national standards.

In the event of a leak or consumption spike above the preset hourly or daily limit, the device detects the problem and immediately notifies the manager (much like an energy surge that pops a circuit breaker), via email and SMS text alert.

As our infrastructure continues to age, pipe breaks and underground leaks are inevitable. With a sound conservation plan that includes continuously monitoring a property for leaks and optimizing the irrigation system, water efficiency can greatly increase.

In our experience, simply using WaterSignal’s breakthrough technology to monitor water usage will conserve 14% on average each year. For best results, it takes a serious commitment to save water but in doing so, your green conservation program can put you in the black.

Don’t know where to start? Here are some tips to get the ball rolling:

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